Is your business Woman, Minority or Veteran owned?

Is your business 51% owned and managed by a woman, veteran, or minority who is a U.S. citizen or permanent resident alien? If yes, then you may be eligible to become apart of the Florida Certified Business Enterprises (FCBE).

What are some of the benefits of becoming a Certified Small Business?

- Access to Government Grants and Contracts
- Increased Business Partnership Opportunities
- Networking Opportunities
- Training Workshops, Management, and Technical Guidance

What qualifies as a minority-owned business Florida?

- Be legally registered to do business in Florida as a for-profit organization (registration through the Department of State).
- Be based in Florida.
- Be owned and managed by a resident(s) of Florida.
- Be 51 percent owned and managed by a woman, veteran, or minority who is a U.S. citizen or permanent resident alien.
- Be engaged in commercial transactions (currently doing business).
- Be registered in MyFloridaMarketPlace.
- Have a net worth of less than $5 million.
- Have 200 or fewer full-time permanent employees.
- Have a professional license, if required by the industry, in the name of the woman, veteran, or minority business owner.

If you are interested in becoming Small Business Certified and would like more information about the process, please contact at

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